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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life in the Jernigan household

Okay, here goes my 2nd entry....just think that I am gonna tell everyone about my life and my keep everyone posted on the latest happenings of every Jernigan member. Cayden is almost starting to crawl. I am glad in a way but in a way very sad....my last little baby will be mobile and won't need me as much. Tomorrow he will be 8 months old...I can't believe it. It's went by way too fast. Hailey is in the terrible twos. She is into EVERYTHING....and I mean everything. I can't not turn my back on her for one minute. Kaitlyn never was that bad but I guess that's because she was the only one.  That's about all the news that I have for now!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ok I have decided to try blogging...

Ok I used to blog all the time before I had kids! Now I rarely have time to  get on the computer! But I thought it would be neat to start it up again! I will try my best to keep my friends and family updated on my life and the kids as best that I can!